There’s a sort of fluidity and wind-like appearance we liked.” Of course, realism and fun-factor had to be balanced in order to make the best, scariest game possible. “My goal has always been to try to create the feeling of being a blind person who uses echolocation,” Bill said. “Now, it’s a game, and of every media, games are perhaps the driven the most by visuals. As such, I take liberties for the sake of the game. Early on in development, your echolocation revealed a lot less detail in the world. As we put it in front of players, they rejected it. So we scaled it back and began to show more detail. “It will continue to be an iterative process throughout development, but Perception was never meant to be a simulation. We have to make something that people really want to play. In that sense, I think we have a very strong balance that both captures some of the feel of what it might be like to use echolocation while still remaining 'fun.'”Īmanda elaborated: “We knew echolocation was a real possibility for some blind people. We did a lot of research into individuals who used this technique, but had no real way of showing exactly what it was like, so we came up with a visual way to explain our interpretation of it. It’s artistic license, but we do take the topic of blindness seriously and do not treat it as a gimmick or imply that being blind in itself is ‘fun’ or that echolocation is a neat parlor trick. It’s simply a method some blind people are able to tap into. “As for the fun in the game, it’s not about the blindness, but it’s more about the universal fear of the unknown. Fear is a nuance of fun, and fear of the dark goes hand in hand with that thrill. You don’t know what’s in front of you.” Finally, since The Deep End developers all work remotely – that is, they don’t all sit together in an office – I had to ask: do team members slip in creepy little touches or effects without telling each other? Why is it that every generation of kids knows to go into a dark bathroom and say ‘Bloody Mary’ three times? It’s because fumbling around in the dark is daring. Halo Infinite“Perception is haunted,” Bill said with a straight face.