By the way, to tweak the controls to be even more intuitive, I made A the dash button and disabled auto-hover which lets the gameplay be more fluid and fast-paced. You'll still dash into enemies which marks them then unleash a barrage of homing projectiles at them which is as fun as ever except this time, recharging your Bullits is much more intuitive as you simply need to land on a surface. The most striking difference when it comes to the gameplay in Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 is that Copen now has the saw-like Razor Wheel instead of his classic blaster and that makes the combat a bit more melee-focused. The English voice acting is just awesome as the actors really bring the characters to life and the character portraits are gorgeously illustrated, especially when characters perform special moves. You'll meet a collection of bosses as well as a new ally in the form of Null and the dialogue scenes are great fun with Copen remaining stoic while his bubbly friends Lola and Kohaku liven up the mood. While there, they discover a tower that potentially holds the power to send them back to their world. For starters, Copen and gang are mysteriously transported to another dimension. Thankfully, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 carries the torch in a faithful way yet it offers a completely new campaign as well as some nifty gameplay changes to boot. ⚡ Copen just wanted to show this boss his brand new sawīack in 2019, the original Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX completely blew me away with its incredible gameplay and distinct cast of characters that made its campaign even more of a treat. │ Just like with PlayStation 5, Video Chums utilizes an SSD on our server to deliver lightning-fast page load times. It's always excellent when truly stand-out games get a sequel so here's the action-packed Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2. Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 is also available for PS5, PS4, and Xbox One Maciejewski playing a Nintendo Switch on January 27, 2022